Wednesday, June 3, 2020

If Not Measure Success in Monetary, How do You Measure It - 275 Words

If You Do Not Measure Success in Monetary Terms, How Do You Measure it? (Essay Sample) Content: If you do not Measure Success in Monetary Terms, How do You Measure it?Name:Institutional Affiliation: If you do not Measure Success in Monetary Terms, How do You Measure it? Success is an integral part of almost every aspect of human life. Each person or entity is usually keen on achieving their goals and objectives. There are numerous measures of success. Most of them are quantitative. Qualitative ways of measuring progress do not receive much attention from people despite their importance. One can measure success well using a number of non-financial approaches. The first method that one may use in measuring success is goal achievement. A Company dealing in a weight loss product can measure the success of its product through the average number of pounds its clients lose (Saver, 2012). In addition, clients can measure the value of the product not in monetary terms but through its contribution to the achievement of their goal of losing a particular amount of weight . Another important measure that does not involve money is the kind of feedback received from the relevant stakeholders and the general public. The reaction towards an artists work gives a good measure of success of the relevant artists work (Pan Zhou, 2015). Such a reaction may be in the form of the number of likes on online platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and/or websites such as  HYPERLINK "" . Most people in the music and film industry view their success in terms of the kind of fan base they can build and the endorsements they received. Clearly, one can measure success well using non-financial means as highlighted above. Depending on the item involved, one can effectively determine the level of success in any endeavor using goal achievement and feedback from both relevant industry players and the public. Non-monetary measures are just as important as the monetary ones. There ...

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